

Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
Colin W.
Thanks for your help in us selecting a suitable 3D printer for our family

Thanks for all your help.

Frank F.
Very happy

Very happy with the advice given by staff and my Up Box works a treat

Frank F.
Very happy

Very happy with the advice given by staff and my Up Box works a treat

Thom M.
Fantastic service, prompt delivery

Fantastic service, prompt delivery

Thom M.
Fantastic service, prompt delivery

Fantastic service, prompt delivery

This product has been replaced with the Up300 found -here-

The Up Box+ is no longer in production. It has been replaced with the Up300 which can be found here- Up300

The Up Box+ looks the same an it's predecessor but it includes additional performance and reliability enhancements. You can now connect and control multiple Up Box and Up Mini 2 3d printers wirelessly via WiFi  from your PC, Mac iPad or iPhone.  Improvements to reliability include a resume after power outage and auto pause filament detection. You can now store and re-print your last ten print jobs. There are also Improvements to print quality with a new print head with twin head cooling fans.

Up BOx Plus for Professionals


Up Box+ with WiFi by Tiertime

The Up Box+  sets a new standard in 3D printing. We anticipate that this 3d printer will win the hearts of many critics and win awards in 3D printing bench tests for its print quality, easy of use, reliability and value. Watch this space!

Up Box by tiertime

The Up Box+ looks good from all angles. The inclusion of a HEPA filter removes printing odors, making it suitable on any work space or desk.

Up Box+ new features include filamet run out detection, blackout recovery and wifi connectionNew features  to the Up Box+ include filament run out detection, blackout recovery and WiFi connection.

New Up Box+ Print Head

The redesigned print head on the Up Box+ now includes dual fans for better cooling, and improved print quality particularly with PLA.

Up Box+ heated bed with open temperature customisation

The combination of heated bed and full enclosure enables the Up Box+ to print large objects effective warp control. Tiertime have now enabled Open Temperature control allowing customised printing profiles for 3rd party filament.

Introducing the Up Box+ 3D Printer, this video demonstrates the initial set up of the printer, calibration and printing your first 3d prints using the Up slicing software from Tiertime.

This 3D printer includes all the great features that the Up printers are famous for but it is bigger, faster, higher resolution, whisper quiet, fully enclosed, self calibrating, includes an air filtration system and has looks to die for. The perfect and affordable desktop 3D Printer has arrived! 

Stand Out Feature of the Up Box+ Include-

Jaw Dropping good looks.... but not just a pretty face (it looks even better in real life!)

Easy of use, reliability and performance

Fully Automated Platform Leveling and Height Detection

Automated filament detection, loading and withdraw function

Control multiple Up Box+ and Up Mini2 3D Printers wirelelssly from computer and smart devices

Recover print after power outage

Onboard storage for up to 10 print jobs

Smart Support - easy break away support structures

Active HEPA Air Filtering

100 micron Z Resolution

Large 10.7 litre 255 x 205 x 205mm build volume

30% faster than previous generation Up Printer

Does it look this good in real life...you bet!

Up Box 3D Printer CLose upUp Box front view of the 3D Printer

The illuminated text inside the Up Box+ flashes and strobes in difference sequences, so you always know the status of the build from a distance.

Up box+ 3 button control

The 3 button touch panel allows you to control, pause and reprint without the need of a computer.

Up Box+ 3D Printer Filament holder detail

The Filament spool on the Up Box+ sits neatly in the side of the machine. Enclosed away from dust, but kept cool away from the build chamber.

Up Box+ Rear view by Teirtime

The Up Box+ is attractive from all angles. Whisper quite and odor free with its built in HEMA air filter. A show piece for any design studio or corporate office.

Key Features-

Excellent Print Quality

The print quality on these printers is truly breathtaking. If you are looking for a printer with outstanding print quality, you can not look past the Up Box+.

High Resolution 3D Scan 3D Printed on the Up Box

This is a 3D Print of an ultra high resolution 3d scan. The model was printed using 3D Printer Superstore ABS white filament. This model was printed at 0.15mm resolution and has come straight off the Up Box+ with the support material removed. The detail is outstanding.
Large  Build Volume
UP BOX provide an build volume of 255x205x205mm (WxHxD) for extra large print jobs. Its large print platform enables small batch 3D printing productions to be carry out with unprecedented efficiency.

FullyAutomated Platform Calibration
A motorised probe is integrated in the printer for true automatic platform leveling and nozzle height detection. No human intervention is required during printer calibration, providing a seamless 3D printing experience.

Auto calibration sensor in action
Faster Printing with Higher Precision
UP BOX print 30% faster than UP Plus 2. I also prints at a 30% higher resolution of 100 micron layer height which gives the best resolution in the UP series.

Fully Enclosed Printing Environment
The enclosed build chamber maximizes temperature stability, enhance adhesion, the result is minimum warping for printing large objects. The Up Box+ now comes with perforated build platforms as well as a smooth platform for printing raft less models. 

Quiet Desktop Operation and Air Filtration
UP BOX produces very little noise compared to other 3d printers with a measured level of 51.7 dB. The built-in air filter absorbs volatile particles and fumes and odors. Feel comfortable working with it in the same room or the desk.

Smart Support Technology
Industrial leading support generation algorithm that produces easily removable support structures and improve print quality.  This advanced technology allows difficult and complex designs to be printed at ease. It also enables printing of more difficult models. Support material break of easier, reducing post processing times and resulting in cleaner underside surfaces.
This video demonstrates how easily and cleanly the support structures break off a model 3D Printed on the Up Box. This model was printed at 0.15mm resolution and the print quality is outstanding.
Powerful Easy To Use Software
UP software is simple to use, and it just works. Providing the best plug and play experience with enough versatility for experiences users.

What's in the Up Box Box

  • UP Box desktop 3D printer
  • One Roll  500g spool of 1.75mm tough ABS white  plastic filament
  • 2 x Perforated Build Platform
  • 1 x Smooth Build Platform (for raft-less printing)
  • USB Cable
  • Tool Kit to maintain and self service the printer.

These are the the first Up Boxes in the store...very exciting.

Up Box First test prints done in store...the best print quality we have seen on an extrusion printer!


Printing Method Melted Extrusion Manufacturing(MEM)
 Build Volume 255 x 205 x 205 mm (L x W x H)
Z Resolution 0.1 to 0.4 mm (100 to 400 micron)
Print Materials Optimised for ABS and PLA
Heated Bed Yes, Perforated (for raft printing) and smooth (for raft less printing) build platform
Untethered Printing Yes
Average Operational Noise 51.7 dB (very quite)
Advanced Features Hema Air Filtration
Light-Pulse LED lighting
Fully enclosed case with metal frame construction
Smart Support Technology
Fully automated Platform Calibration with motorised probe
Software UP Software, Up Studio and Up Studio Apps
Compatible file formats .STL, UP3, UPP
Connectivity USB, WiFi
Weight 20kg
Dimensions 485 x 520 x 495 ( L W H)
Power 110-240VAC,50-60 Hz,180W

Warranty Terms-

-3D Printing Systems Warranty Terms on Up 3D Printers.pdf-

-3D Printing Systems Extended Warranty Terms on Up 3D Printers.pdf-


-Up! Software Latest Release 2.17-

-Up Box User Manual.pdf-

-Alternate spool holder for 3rd party filament (Recommended print settings: support angle 30 degrees, z resolution 0.25 mm, print orientation: vertical)-

-3d Print head back cover`-

-Up Box Wind Barrier 3D Model (Recommended print settings: support angle 10 degrees, z resolution 0.3 mm)-

Useful Hints Tips-

- Click here to visit the FAQs page from 3D Printing Systems-

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