This the 12 Volt version of the E3D Hot ends, you can find the 24 Volt version here
We are Australian Distributors of the infamous E3D V6 high performance full metal Hot Ends.
These 3D printer Hot Ends are well regarded as one of the best full metal Hot Ends. They are suitable for printing the widest range of print materials with excellent print results, allowing for soft flexible materials and higher temperature filaments such as polycarbonate and Nylons.

These well crafted HotEnds have renowned for their print quality, minimal blockading, fast response and efficient thermal properties, eliminating HotEnd meltdown failures associated with PEKK/PTFE designs. This HotEnd with the supplied thermistor can reach 300 degrees C (can reach 400 degree C with however may require additional electronics) and will heat from 20C to 200C in 65 seconds and the temperature control responsiveness will keep the HotEnd within 0.5 degrees C.

We also offer a large range of nozzle sizes to suit your 3D Printing needs. 0.4mm is standard.

Cross sectional view through the three E3D V6 hot ends available. Left 1.75mm Universal, middle 3mm Direct, right 3mm Bowden.
There are three variations of the E3D V-6 Kit. If you wish to print with 1.75mm filament you can use the 1.75mm Kit is universally usable in both a 1.75mm direct drive extruder or a Bowden style extruder set-up.If you have a 3mm Filament 3D Printer, choose between the Direct Drive version or the Bowden style HotEnd as illustrated above.
These HotEnd Kits include all machined parts, electronics, screws, heatsink fans and ferrules.
This above cutaways show the internals of all three HotEnds. Left to Right: 1.75mm Universal, 3mm Direct, 3mm Bowden. - See more at: https://e3d-online.com/E3D-v6/Full-Kit/v6-1.75mm-Universal-Bowden#sthash.cOCmL0t2.dpuf
This above cutaways show the internals of all three HotEnds. Left to Right: 1.75mm Universal, 3mm Direct, 3mm Bowden. - See more at: https://e3d-online.com/E3D-v6/Full-Kit/v6-1.75mm-Universal-Bowden#sthash.cOCmL0t2.dpuf