When we came across the work of Michael Hansmeyer,
we were struck by the complexity and the seemingly delicacy of his
work. Educated as an architect and computer programmer, Hansmeyer
intends to create a new kind of architectural expression using the
mathematics of algorithms. “On the one hand, their [algorithms]
computational power can address processes with a scale and complexity
that precludes a manual approach. On the other hand, algorithms can
generate endless permutations of a scheme. A slight tweaking of either
the input or the process leads to an instant adaptation of output. When
combined with an evaluative function, they can be used to recursively
optimize output on both a functional and aesthetic level,” explained
Hansmeyer. His Subdivision project features geometrically intricate
surfaces that create an artistically articulated variety of columns.
The 2.7 meter high columns are fabricated as a layered model with sheets
1mm thick.

The individually cut sheets are stacked and held together by poles that
run through a common core. To cut the sheets, the astonishing 6
million faces of the 3D model are intersected with a plane representing
the sheet. As Hansmeyer explains on his website,
“This step generates a series of individual line segments that are
tested for self-intersection and subsequently combined to form polygons.
Next, a polygon-in-polygon test deletes interior polygons. A series of
filters then ensures that convex polygons with peninsulas maintain
a minimum isthmus width. In a final step, an interior offset is
calculated with the aim of hollowing out the slice to reduce weight.
While the mean diameter of the column is 50cm, the circumference as
measured by the cutting path can reach up to 8 meters due to jaggedness
and frequent reversals of curvature.”

So far, the initial prototype has been constructed from 1mm grey board
and progress is being made on testing ABS, wood, and metal for the

“A computational approach to architecture enables the generation of the
previously unseen. Forms that can longer be conceived of through
traditional methods become possible. New realms open up,” added the

Source: archdaily.com
April 28, 2019
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